

It always makes me smile when I hear people talking about children’s imaginary friends.  Children are so close to their spirit self it makes perfect sense (to me anyway) that they would be in contact with the other side on a more regular and natural basis.

I had such friends as a child and I couldn’t understand why no one else could see or hear them.  Of course as I got older and people told me to “stop being silly” I buried them and got about my earthly business, but it never quite went away.

When I was about nine or 10 my grandmother died.  During her final weeks she had this ghastly ointment placed on a wound and it reeked, like really reeked, dense fish reeked.  A year or so after she died I was sitting in the lounge room eating my dinner, my parents in the kitchen, when the room filled with this smell.  It was so strong it almost choked me and there was this incredible presence.  Panicked, I bolted into the kitchen and then had to try and explain why I had appeared.  Thankfully my parents didn’t seem that interested.    Why thankfully? They were the main “stop being silly” proponents.

So stuff like that happened on and off for years.  I would pick things up and try and ignore it.  But if there is one thing I would tell my younger self now – and will tell whoever might be reading this – you can run, but you can’t hide.  They (spirit) ain’t goin’ anywhere and they can wait you out a whole lot longer than you can run.

During my twenties I discovered drugs and alcohol and thought that might provide an escape route – wrong.  All that did was invite the wrong spirits forward.  I became a gate way for every miserable, nasty, malicious malcontent lurking and looking to cause trouble.  After a few particuarly nasty episodes I learnt my lesson and found ways to keep them out of my space – black tourmaline is a great one by the way!  And while I haven’t been completely at ease with my ‘connection’ over the years I have come to like it and if I don’t see someone wandering around I am a bit sad, like “where have you gone guys?”

And I bolded the word ‘see’ for a reason, because as I got older my abilities settled into what they call clairsentience, or rather I saw and sensed spirits.  But this story is about clairaudience (hearing) and George and how I finally clicked that I was hearing them too.

Over the years I heard the odd thing, but nothing major.  Obviously I ‘saw’ and my intuition was super strong, the gut being the strongest guide.  If it clenched then I knew something was up.  But hear? No.  People talked about speaking to the other side and I assumed it was a voice, very clear and very distinct from their own.  I did hear people say it was garbled and fast, but I still assumed it was separate and distinct.

Last year I was at work and saw this giant orb of light next to me.  Really strong, very distinct.  I had seen some fleeting lights around the place but this one was substantial and I wondered who it was.  I mentioned it to a girl in my team and as we talked, he showed himself to me.  He was a big man, tall, strong, big wide chest and a large grey thatch of hair which was one step off being a mullet.  He laughed and was excited I could see him.  It was almost like he was bouncing.  He hung around most of the day, showing off his skills and in my head all I kept getting was ‘George, George, George’ over and over again until it drove me nuts.  But it wasn’t him saying it, it was just in my head.  In the end I said in a cranky voice “you aren’t George, stop it”.  I can’t say how I knew he wasn’t George; I just did. Then he got sad, he couldn’t see I wasn’t getting the message and then he was gone.

Over the next few weeks it niggled at me, I knew he was trying to tell me something and I hadn’t picked it up, but what was more confusing for me was the words I had been hearing were just in my head. It wasn’t a nice, clear distinct voice, something I could easily separate, identify and say, “spirit told me.”

So, I kind of kept an ear out and had a few conversations with people, and in the end I found out who George was, he worked there for many, many years and died suddenly.  He had loved his job and the people he worked with, it was his happy place, his true home.  One of the people I talked to said they had seen him there a few times, so in the end I figured out the man who had come to me (never did find out HIS name) was trying to tell me George was there and he needed to move on. 

So, another man and I joined forces and we moved George on, everything settled down and I was left to ponder how ‘George’ had finally clicked me into my clairaudience and if that is how it actually happens (for me) then what on earth else have I missed over the years or put down to my overactive imagination??  I’m still laughing and figuring that one out. Stay tuned 😊



Footnote: Many years ago I decided to tell my Mother about the episode in the lounge-room, expecting more ridicule, but she said “oh yes, I used to see her (grandma) in the house all the time.” My mouth just dropped open! I was a bit cranky at her for a while; she hadn’t been receptive to my abilities over the years and she obviously had them too, but as someone pointed out she might have been trying to protect me, so I got over myself 😊